Prince of Persia Wiki
Prince of Persia Wiki

The White Glove, also known as Rayman's Glove, is a secret weapon found in Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.


This secret weapon and can be obtained in the Catacombs while the Prince is pursued by the Dahaka. While fairly weak in terms of damage, it is unbreakable and will do two times the damage while counter-attacking. Blows with the Glove knock down regular enemies in one hit, whether the Glove is used at close range or thrown. These traits make it a useful secondary weapon while the Prince is wielding the broken remains of Lion Sword.


  • The Glove shares some of its features with the Flamingo, another unbreakable secret weapon with the power of knockdown. The Flamingo is however notably stronger in terms of damage, making it a preferable alternative to the Glove after the Scorpion Sword is obtained and the Prince is free to revisit the Garden Tower.
  • As with all of secret weapons, the White Glove's icon shows a question mark, making it impossible to see which type of weapon it is. However, power attacking with it reveals it as a mace.
  • The White Glove is possibly inspired by the hands of fellow Ubisoft character Rayman.

