Rune of Memory
Runes of Power are Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights, the Dreamcast port version, answer to the Potions from Prince of Persia 3D.
Scattered here and there in many dungeons and other unexpected places can be found what are known as runes of power. Delicate magicks, these incantations are intended to be activated with a touch, making it impossible to store them for later use. Sometimes it is better to pass by a rune, until you know what you might need it for. However, due to their unstable nature, there is no guarantee that a rune will still be there if you leave it and return.[1]
- Rune of the Gazelle: When this icon is touched, it briefly imbues you with the essence of that graceful plains creature, able to leap incredible spans as easily as crossing a stream[1].
- Rune of Shadows: Releasing the power of this symbol instantly renders you unseen. You become but another shadow, a flicker of light, a whisper, unnoticed by all. Of course, this cloak of invisibility has been known to fade, often at the most inopportune moments[1].
- Rune of Life: The magics of this secret symbol permanently gift you with additional stamina & vitality[1].
- Rune of the Winds: The djinns of the air have a fragment of their magic in this rune. When touched it lets you float as easily as a feather in a breeze. A fall from the highest tower is no threat to you under the influence of this sigil, provided its magick doesn't wear out before you hit the bottom![1]
- Rune of Memory: A wondrous item, touching this rune allows you to capture your life up until that moment, as if it merely pages in a storybook. Should events later turn against you, or even cause your demise, the rune's magick will magically restore you to the place you last touched it.[2][1]