Prince of Persia (1989)[]

The Princess is missing
Super Nintendo version of the original game lets the player finish the game even after the time runs out. But the Princess is nowhere to be found at the end. Though it's unknown if she took Jaffar's deal of marriage or if she was killed[1].
Prince of Persia 3D[]

Rugnor about to strike the final blow
The last battle against Rugnor is timed. Should the Prince take too long, the Princess is crushed by the gears. As the Prince falls to his knees in despair and drops his sword, Rugnor kills him[2].
Prince of Persia: Harem Adventures[]

Vizier alive?
Variant 1:
The Vizier has kidnapped the Sultan's seven wives and it's up to the Prince to rescue them. The Prince managed to save all seven wives, who were very thankful, and offered their services to the Prince before he continued. The Vizier however escaped.[3]
Variant 2:
The Vizier kidnapped Sultan's seven daughters and forced the Sultan to choose between his daughters and the kingdom. The Sultan asked the Prince to rescue his daughters, which he did. In the end, the Vizier managed to escape.[3]