Prince of Persia Wiki
Prince of Persia Wiki

The Prince drinks the potion of invisibility in Prince of Persia 3D.

Potions are a magical elixir in Prince of Persia, Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame and Prince of Persia 3D.


The Prince has four potions: Health potions, life extending potions, slow fall potions, and poison. There quite a few more potions are added along in the Prince's journey.

List of Potions[]

Prince of Persia[]

  • Healing Potion (Red): Restores a single health bottle.
  • Poison Potion (Blue/Purple): Takes away a single health bottle.
  • Life Enhancement Potion (Red & Tall): Restores all health bottles and adds an extra one.
  • Featherfall Potion (Green & Tall): Temporarily lowers the Prince's gravity, making him immune to fall damage and letting him jump further.
  • Hallucination Potion (Green & Tall): Flips the screen upside-down and reverses directional controls. Effects can only be removed by drinking another Hallucination Potion.
  • Teleport Potion (Tall): Exclusive to the SNES version. Transports the Prince to a room near the exit.
  • Time Reversal Potion (Red): Exclusive to the Megadrive version. Adds a number of minutes to the time remaining.
  • Time Freeze Potion (Green): Exclusive to the Megadrive version. Temporarily causes all the rooms to turn a shade of grey and everything and everyone to be frozen in place.
  • Ground Tremor Potion (Green): Exclusive to the Megadrive version. Causes the ground to shake and all loose floor panels to fall.

Prince of Persia 2[]

  • Hallucination Potion (Green & Tall): Found in the city of Basra. Flips the screen upside-down and reverses directional controls. Effects can only be removed by drinking a different Potion (Poison or Healing).
  • Summon Imp Potion (Green): Found in the Temple of Fire. Summons a small man which passes a closed gate and pushes a pressure plate in order to exit the trapped room (similar to the White Mouse in the first game).

Prince of Persia 3D[]

  • Soma's Tisane (Blue): Drinking this potion can restore anywhere between one and three life bottles. It's not random, though. If the player drinks a blue potion that restores two life bottles, that potion in that spot will always restore two life bottles.
  • Dahaka's Blood (Yellow): This potion reportedly increases the Prince's strength and ferocity in battle.
  • Rendalim's Elixir (Purple): They say in the manual that this one is Malak's Tears. I think it's the next one, personally. Drinking this lovely lavender potion will fully restore the Prince's health.
  • Malak's Tears (Red): Drinking this potion will make the Prince immune to all arrow attacks for a limited time.
  • Gaokerena's Sap (Green): Get this potion whenever you see it. Drinking this potion will refill all the Prince's life bottles and as an added bonus, will add an extra bottle onto your health meter.[1]
  • Ahriman's Oil (Gray): This sludge will render the Prince invisible to your enemies. The Prince can attack an enemy at any time, they won't fight back.
  • Phoenix's Breath (Orange): Drinking this potion will give the Prince the ability to jump higher and longer.
  • Chameleon's Bile (Brown): Drinking this will allow the Prince to assume the form of an enemy in the area. He won't be attacked as a result.
  • Pegasus' Vintage (White): This potion will allow the Prince to fall downward at a much slower rate.
  • Poison (Light Blue/Green): This potion will decrease the Prince's health by one. Be careful and learn the differences between it and Gaokerena's Sap (health).

Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights[]

  • Soma's Tisane (Crimson Color in game, Azure in manual[2]): is a common mixture of herbs and extracts from holy plants and can be distinguished by it's pleasant azure color. It is a general restorative, which grants a relatively small amount of relief from injury[3].
  • Blood of Kiva (Azure color in game, Crimson in manual[2]): is a much rarer liquid, distilled from fragile mountain currants, and a combination of rare alchemical spices and cultivated fungi. Known to have a near miraculous restorative property, the potion is treasured by lucky possessors. The name, incidentally, is derived from its rich crimson color, not from any unsavory components[4].
    • Despite the description in the manual, potions in the game have the opposite effects: "Azure" Blood of Kiva restores all health, and "crimson" Soma's Tisane restores only part of it.


  1. Important: Although very helpful, green potions are not at all required to complete the game. Smart combat and watching for traps will allow the Prince to save his bottles and stay alive, so don't panic if you can't find green potions.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights gameplay
  3. Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights manual, page 23
  4. Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights manual, page 24