Parais is a character mentioned in Prince of Persia 3D manual.
The gods and other spirits favor the archer, and legends tell of arrows blessed at a crucial moment. When Parais and his bride were fleeing a fire-spitting demon, Demavend, lord of water, took pity on the couple. He touched the tip of an arrow in the lad's quiver, and bade him to shoot it into a raging river. For a moment the surface froze into ice, allowing the pair to run across it, but when the demon tried to follow, the ice dissolved under his feet, and he was drowned[1].
In another exciting escape, this same Parais was caught in a dead-end alley while three cutthroats with scimitars and knives stalked him. He challenged them to fight him honorably, one on one. Instead they rushed him, and he sent his last arrow winging toward them, hoping to disable one and cut down the odds. Instead, Ahura, patron of honorable warriors, lent aid to the missile. His fury caused the bolt to explode, practically killing the bandit it struck and the other two beside him as well. Parais was obviously stunned at this turn of events, but recovered in time to jump over the moaning bodies of his erstwhile attackers, and run for home[2].