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The following article, Michael Rudder, uses partial or complete Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia. Information can be remixed or replaced at any time in future edits.

Michael Rudder is an Canadian actor. He provided the voice of the Dark Prince in Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.



Rudder is a well-known voice actor for such video games as Prince of Persia, Far Cry, Jagged Alliance, Splinter Cell, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Assassin's Creed.[1]

A stage actor since his teens, his last stage role was in 2011, as Almady in The Play's The Thing at The Segal Center in Montreal. He has also done extensive narration, versioning and commercial voice work, and appeared in films for The National Film Board of Canada, Cinar and Telescene in Quebec. Michael also works as a studio director in the post-synchronization of film dialogue and as a director of dubbed film and cartoon product for the world English market.

2008 Mumbai Attacks[]

In November of 2008, Rudder was injured in the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. Rudder was shot four times during the Mumbai attack.[2][3] He says he survived by using his film knowledge to "play dead."[4]

A practitioner transcendental meditation and Siddha Yoga, Rudder, now a teacher of Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation, was in India on a spiritual vacation with members of the Synchronicity Foundation, and a guest of the Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai when the attacks took place.

He is considering writing a book, a movie or a play about his experiences, to tell the story of his experience and escape, and to help others who have endured similar trauma.[5]

