Jinnee is a minor character in Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame.
Jinnee is a Djinn[1] who lives in one of the potions laying around inside the Temple of Fire. The Prince happened upon the bottle and attempted to drink it, which released the small Jinnee, who then ran away through a metal gate, stepping on a door lever as he ran, inadvertently helping the Prince progress further[2].
Jinnee appears on the twelfth level in a room full of different potions[2].
- Jinnee was designed to be a boss character able to kill the Prince with just two hits. The first encounter would have been an optional fight. After drinking the potion where Jinnee was in, he was supposed to grow twice the size of the Prince. And a battle then commenced where after defeating the Jinnee, he would shrink again and run away[3]. The Prince would have encountered Jinnee for a second time, little before reaching the flame[4]. This idea was cut on budget reasons[1].