Prince of Persia Wiki
Prince of Persia Wiki
Sacred Flame

Blue Flame in Prince of Persia 2

Blue Flame[1] is a one of the main objectives in Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame.


The Blue Flame is located inside the Temple of Fire near Basra[2]. The Flame is a center of a religion amongst the Bird-Headed Priests, who also guard it with their lives attacking anyone who enters the temple. The temple itself is built to keep the Flame pure. The Flame is magical in nature and never goes out, it also burns anyone who slightly touches it to ash[3].

Prince managed to take part of the Blue Flame, by dying near it, which released his Shadow Man, who then touched the flame and absorbed part of it. Upon entering back into the Prince, the Prince was revived, making all the priests prostrate before him. Prince used the flame to kill Jaffar for good[2].

